Welcome to our blog, and its very first post.
We intend this to be both pleasant and informative.
However things might work out over time, our first inclination is to use this blog to inform you of new designs of our handwoven bamboo scarves, as well as our upcoming shows.
In addition, though, you will see that we have enabled Comments. That means that you are more than welcome to pitch in.
In fact, the impetus to creating this blog is to answer the question we hear so often: “How long does it take you to make one of these?”
The “long” part is, in a sense, unquantifiable. For starters, we have never done a time/motion study of either of us in action. That is not likely to change. Why not? Because it varies.
Varies according to what? Everything: weave structure, color changes, temperature, weather, ancillary stressors, quality of yarn, whims of the Directors of Chaos—whatever.
Besides which, Pamela weaves much more quickly than Richard.
Pamela has been weaving since the Summer of Woodstock. She weaves almost as quickly as the eye can see. Not quite as quickly as, say, the air jet looms we recently saw at the Pendleton Mill in Oregon, but she can really crank it up.
Richard is a newbie, by comparison. Not too bad on a good day, but nowhere near Pamela’s rate.
And this holds equally true for the other tasks: winding a warp, changing the harnesses and heddles, dressing the loom, etc.
The key point of the oft-heard question is not “how long,” but “how?” We intend to address that over time in this blog, initially with text and photos, eventually with videos.
Stay tuned.
Ask questions.
Please note: we reserve the right to edit Comments. Our goal in editing will be to increase clarity and utility of communication.
Our first “newsy” bit: Pamela has created a new weave structure for our line. We are naming it “Stacey.” Here’s a quick pic:
As long as we're at it:
Here is the view outside Pamela's studio:
And here is the view when our dear beast, Bear, is caught in the act. If you gaze long enough at the Bear, the Bear gazes back into you (perhaps that was Neitzsche's first draft).